KL Ramsey Author

Writing a bio about myself is painful. I’m good with writing fictional characters—sexy alphas and sassy women are my jam. But tell me that I have to come up with a paragraph (or five) about myself, and I freak out. Honestly, I’m not sure why because I’m a delight…

Seriously though, I hate having to sit at my computer to tell you that I’ve always wanted to be a writer. I took a creative writing class in tenth grade (yeah, I can remember back that far), and I was hooked!

I even majored in English at college. Well, English and boys—oh, and the beach because I chose a college on the Eastern Shore in my home state of Maryland. I love the beach—even the sand that gets in places that it shouldn’t, I’m there for all of it! Maybe that’s why I’ve written a few beach books in the seven years that I’ve been writing. I mean, who doesn’t love a beach romance? Hot guys, sexy women, and sand, lots of sand. (See how I circled back to that?) I mean, I’m all for a hot beach romance, but seriously, how does one have sex on the beach (not the drink) and not get sand in all the places it shouldn’t be?

But I digress! That’s my go-to move—procrastination, especially when a book is due, or I need to clean my son’s bathroom (Eww!). I’m a put-it-off-until-tomorrow kind of girl, and that bugs the shit out of me because I never was that way when I was younger. I used to yell at my kids for waiting until the very last minute to do a school project. I remember falling asleep one night at about 9ish (because I’m old and tired), and my youngest woke me up to tell me that he needed me to take him to Walmart and buy him popsicle sticks so that he could do his project that was DUE THE NEXT DAY! And now, ironically, I’m that teenage boy, standing over my mother’s bed, telling her that I have a project due in the morning and I haven’t finished it. Well, not technically, but you get the gist.

So, we’ve gone over the fact that I have kids—three of them. They are all adults now, which is something that I’m really proud of. I got through their childhoods without killing any of them, so I’m patting myself on the back right now.

I didn’t raise the little buggers all on my own. I’m married (to Mr. KL) for over thirty years now and he helped out a bit. I mean, I’d say go talk to your father when they asked me to do something for them—you know, like make dinner or take them to soccer practice, but they always came back to me saying that “Dad said no.”  And this is the point where I should add Mr. KL to my list of accomplishments because he’s still alive too.

Okay, I got a bit off-topic. Why did I get into writing? The answer is simple—I was bored. You see, I was a stay-at-home mom, with an English degree burning a hole in my pocket, and my youngest kid decided that he no longer wanted to homeschool and instead, go to high school. Mr. KL put his foot down and said that I wasn’t allowed to just sit around, watch reality television, and eat Bonbons. What is a Bonbon anyway? Do they even still make them?

The rest is kind of history. I wrote the Relinquished Series and before I knew it, seven years passed, I wrote over 150 books, my kids grew up (even after I asked them not to), I adopted nine cats and two puppies (much to Mr. KL’s chagrin) and I’m sitting here, patting myself on the back for not killing anyone along the way. What’s my secret to success, you ask?


Lots of coffee!

I guess that’s just about all I have to say about myself. If you’d ask me about one of my hot, alpha MC guys, or one of my sexy Mafia bosses, or my delicious Contemporary Romance dudes, or even one of my Paranormal shifters (I write that stuff under BE Kelly), I could talk to you for years. But telling you about myself, not so much. So, that’s all for me, but feel free to send me questions about my favorite subject—my books, and I’d be happy to talk your ear off!

After coffee, of course.

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